5 Insane Things Only a Narcissist Does

5 Insane Things Only a Narcissist Does

Today we’re going to talk about narcissism. We’re going to discuss five crazy things that only a narcissist does. This talk will take us into the maze of how narcissists behave. We’ll reveal some of the weirdest and most unusual habits that make narcissists different. So, buckle up and get ready to explore the puzzling world of narcissism.

#1: Unjustified anger.

First, think about being mad at someone because they’re mad at you, even when you’re the one who hurt them. Crazy, but this is something a narcissist often does. Imagine this: you’re upset because they’ve done something to hurt you, and you have every right to be angry. They’ve done something wrong, but instead of admitting to their mistake, they focus on how you’re reacting. Here’s the twist: they label you as the crazy one. They make it look like you’re the one attacking them.

Why do they do this? The answer is simple but also complicated. It’s because they think very highly of themselves. Narcissists believe they can do no wrong. They’re used to not facing the consequences of their actions. In fact, they enjoy it. They believe they don’t have to follow the same social rules as everyone else. They don’t want to deal with the results of their actions because they think they’re always right.

Read More: 7 Behaviors of a Narcissist When You Are Sick.

Here’s the weirdest part: they don’t just avoid blame; they turn things around and blame you. It’s not about what they did anymore; it’s about how you reacted. They’ll call you crazy and make it seem like you’re the one in the wrong. This is the first crazy thing a narcissist does. It’s a way to mess with your head and make you question your own sanity. All because they don’t want to deal with the consequences of their actions. They’d rather pretend they’re always right, even when they’re clearly wrong. Narcissists won’t admit to their mistakes; they’ll only focus on your reaction and call you crazy.

#2: Overreaction to criticism.

Second, picture this: you make a simple suggestion, and it’s met with a response as if you’ve thrown acid on their face. Quite an overreaction, wouldn’t you say? But for a narcissist, this is a typical day at the office. Their overblown reaction to criticism, or even just a hint of it, is a hallmark of their personality. Now, you might wonder why such a response. Well, narcissists are shame-driven individuals. Every emotion they could possibly feel somehow gets boiled down to one: shame. It’s a potent, corrosive emotion that they’ll do everything in their power to avoid.

Imagine carrying a bag filled with shame so heavy that you’ll do anything to avoid adding more weight. That’s what it’s like for a narcissist. They constructed their entire persona around avoiding this feeling. Their grandiosity, their sense of entitlement, their lack of empathy—all these are defenses against the unbearable weight of shame.

Now, here’s the kicker: you don’t even have to criticize them overtly. You could merely suggest something different from their way of doing things or thinking about things. You’re not attacking them; you’re just offering a different perspective, right? But remember, their shame bag is already full. Your suggestion, though innocent, threatens to add more weight, and that’s something they simply cannot tolerate.

So, how do they respond? By launching a full-blown attack. They divert the focus from their actions to your reaction. They’ll call you crazy, they’ll call you irritating, they’ll make it appear as if you’re the one attacking them. It’s a classic narcissist move designed to shift the blame and avoid the discomfort of shame. So, the next time you find yourself on the receiving end of a narcissist’s overreaction, remember this: it’s not about you; it’s about their shame and their desperate attempts to avoid it. You’ve merely suggested a change in perception, but to them, it feels like an existential threat. A mere suggestion can trigger a narcissist to launch a full-blown attack.

#3: Entitlement to violate boundaries.

Imagine someone who believes they have the right to violate anyone’s boundaries, yet no one can do the same to them. This is the third insane thing a narcissist does. They think they’re entitled enough to breach anyone’s personal space and dignity. This entitlement stems from a distorted sense of superiority, a belief that they’re special, above everyone else. In the narcissist’s world, it’s all about them. They are the sun, and everyone else is merely a planet circling in their orbit.

This inflated sense of self leads them to believe that they can trample over anyone’s boundaries with impunity. They feel entitled to invade personal spaces, disregard privacy, dismiss feelings, and exploit vulnerabilities. It’s like they’re above the law, the moral law that governs how we should treat each other with respect and decency. But why do they do this? It’s because they see people they perceive as lower than themselves as mere objects, tools to be used for their own gain. It’s not about the other person’s feelings or rights; it’s about what the narcissist wants.

The narcissist doesn’t see the people they exploit as equals. Instead, they view them as lesser beings, inferior in intellect, status, or any other measure the narcissist deems important. In the narcissist’s mind, it’s okay to exploit the “scum on Earth,” as they call it. They justify their actions by devaluing the people they exploit, making them feel worthless, less than human. This perception allows the narcissist to violate boundaries without remorse, without guilt.

But remember, this is not okay. It’s not okay to exploit others, to violate their boundaries, to treat them as less than human. We all have the right to our personal space, our dignity, our worth. No one, not even the narcissist, has the right to take that away from us. In conclusion, narcissists think they’re special, above everyone else, and entitled to exploit anyone they please. But they’re not. They’re just people like the rest of us, and they need to learn to respect boundaries, just like the rest of us.

#4: Different moral codes.

Imagine someone who expects you to be loyal and honest with them, yet they don’t reciprocate. Does that sound fair? Not at all. But for a narcissist, this double standard is par for the course. They live by a different moral code, a code that is skewed, biased, and designed to serve their interests alone. It’s like playing a rigged game where the narcissist holds all the cards, changes the rules at will, and still expects you to play fair.

A Book: Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men.

You see, a narcissist demands absolute loyalty from you, no matter how many times they might betray your trust. They expect you to be unwaveringly faithful, even when they are out there playing the field. In their twisted worldview, they are entitled to cheat, to lie, to deceive, but the moment you step out of line, they are quick to cry foul. Honesty is another virtue they demand yet seldom practice. They want you to bear your soul, to tell them your deepest secrets, your fears, your dreams, and your vulnerabilities. But when it comes to their truth, they hide behind a wall of lies and deceit. They fabricate stories, embellish facts, and twist the truth until it suits their narrative.

And then comes the matter of freedom. A narcissist wants to enjoy all the liberties in the world. They want the freedom to do as they please, to go where they want, to be with whom they want. But you? You’re expected to live within the confines they set for you. Your freedom is curtailed, your choices limited, your life controlled. This one-sided equation is the hallmark of a narcissist’s moral code. It’s a code that is devoid of fairness, devoid of balance, and devoid of respect for anyone but themselves. It’s a code that is designed to keep them on a pedestal while you’re left in the dust.

So remember, when dealing with a narcissist, you’re expected to give them everything: your loyalty, your honesty, your freedom. But don’t expect to receive anything in return. After all, in their warped moral universe, it’s always about them, never about you.

#5: Childish tantrums.

Imagine dealing with an adult who throws tantrums like a toddler. Sounds exhausting, doesn’t it? Well, welcome to the world of a narcissist’s fifth insane behavior: childish tantrums. It’s as if you’re dealing with an oversized kid who somehow got their hands on a grown-up’s toolbox. The narcissist’s emotional and psychological maturity is stuck somewhere between the terrible twos and the turbulent teens. They can balance a budget, drive a car, even hold down a job, but when it comes to handling their emotions, they’re still playing in the sandbox. They have the physical and financial capabilities of an adult but the emotional and psychological capabilities of a child. It’s a toxic mess that can leave you feeling like you’re babysitting rather than dealing with an equal.

Their tantrums are more than just a storm in a teacup; they’re full-blown hurricanes whipped up by the slightest disappointment or delay. They’re driven by a relentless need for instant gratification. If they want something, they want it there and then. There’s no patience, no understanding of the concept of wait—just a gnawing sense of entitlement that says, “I want it, so I should have it.” Now, this impulsivity isn’t just frustrating; it’s also potentially destructive. It can lead to rash decisions, thoughtless actions, and a complete disregard for the consequences. The narcissist’s tantrum isn’t just about getting what they want; it’s about asserting their power, their control. It’s about making sure everyone knows who’s boss, even if that means throwing their toys out of the pram.

So yes, dealing with a narcissist can feel like dealing with a tantrum-prone toddler. But remember, a narcissist is not a child. They’re an adult who’s chosen to behave this way. And while a toddler’s tantrums can be cute, a narcissist’s are anything but. Narcissists want everything here and now, and if they don’t get it, be prepared for an ugly tantrum.

Read More: 4 Types Of People The Narcissist Can Not Tolerate.

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